Lifestyle Medicine Core Competencies (CME/CE)

Lifestyle Medicine Core Competencies (CME & CE)

Lifestyle Medicine Core Competencies (LMCC) Program

This Lifestyle Medicine Core Competencies (CME/CE) course expires on January 26, 2024. If you would like to claim any credit for the course—CME or CE— you must do so by January 26, 2025, at 11:59pm PST.

Nonmember price per Course:

Member price per Course:
ACLM members receive an exclusive 20% discount and tiered pricing.
     Physician/Doctor Member: $799
     Non-Doctoral Health Professional Member: 
     Student/Trainee Member: 

 Credits: 32 CME/CE credits 

Additional Course Details, CME/CE Accreditation, Designation and Disclosure Statements

The first edition of the lifestyle medicine training program, Lifestyle Medicine Core Competencies, was published in 2015 through a partnership between the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) and the American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM). It was built around the five domains and fifteen competencies recommended by the national consensus panel as the basis for providing quality lifestyle medicine services. In addition to the competencies, seven key modalities in lifestyle medicine were addressed. These modalities are nutrition, physical activity, sleep health, coaching behavior change, tobacco cessation, managing risky alcohol use, and emotional well-being.

The second edition continues to provide basic grounding in the field of lifestyle medicine but focuses on improving the competence and skills of a variety of healthcare providers encouraging a team approach to behavior change. It is not intended to provide in-depth learning of each competency and modality but rather to provide a solid foundation and well-rounded training on the major topics in the field including research behind lifestyle medicine as well as its clinical application.

Lifestyle medicine is the evidence-based therapeutic approach to prevent, treat and reverse lifestyle-related chronic diseases. Core competencies for lifestyle medicine were developed by a national consensus panel to serve as a framework for training healthcare professionals. They include leadership, knowledge, assessment skills, management skills, and use of office and community support. This program emphasizes the importance of lifestyle medicine, compares and contrasts lifestyle medicine to other fields of health and medicine, describes the unique role of lifestyle medicine, as well as explains each of the core competencies in lifestyle medicine and how they impact both healthcare practitioner learning and practice.

Learning Objectives:
After viewing the module presentations, learners should be able to:

  • Understand the fifteen core competencies of lifestyle medicine as identified in "Physician Competencies for Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine" (JAMA)
  • Incorporate competencies into clinical practice
  • Enhance efficacy in lifestyle assessments and evidence-based lifestyle prescriptions
  • Leverage community and team-based resources to support lifestyle change

The Lifestyle Medicine Core Competencies contains ten modules:

  • Lifestyle Medicine Core Competency Skills | Liana Lianov, MD, MPH, FACLM, FACPM, DipABLM | Marc Braman, MD, MPH, FACLM, FACPM
  • Nutrition | Kayli Anderson, MS, RDN, ACSM-EP, DipACLM | Scott Stoll, MD, FABPMR | Wayne S. Dysinger, MD, MPH, FACLM, FACPM, DipABLM | Michael Greger, MD, FACLM, DipABLM
  • Physical Activity | Edward M. Phillips, MD, DipABLM
  • Health & Wellness Coaching | Margaret Moore, MBA, NBC-HWC
  • Sleep Health | Csilla Veress, ND, LAc
  • Mental Health & Emotional Well-Being | Liana Lianov, MD, MPH, FACLM, FACPM, DipABLM
  • Mindfulness | Kaylan Baban, MD, MPH, DipABLM
  • Tobacco Cessation | Shaylona Kirk, MD, MPH, MA
  • Alcohol Use | Shaylona Kirk, MD, MPH, MA
  • Weight Management | Ingrid Edshteyn, DO, MPH, DipABLM

    Course Format:
    The Lifestyle Medicine Core Competencies education activity is composed of a series of modules viewed in a digital format. Users are able to move through the module at their own pace. It begins and ends with an assessment of the learner's comprehension of the subject matter. Interactive scenarios, images, audio, and video may have been added to enhance the experience.

    Duration: 32 hours

    Assessment and Measurement: A score of 80% or higher on the unit quizzes is required to pass the course.

    Specifications: This course can be viewed on desktop, tablet or mobile device. Speakers or headphones are required for this program. Laptop or PC preferred.

    Term of Approval: January 26, 2022 – January 26, 2025

    Enrollment: Access to online material is granted through the term approval which ends January 26, 2025.

    1/26/2022 - 1/26/2025 11:59 PM
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    Last day to register is 1/26/2025

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